Sunday, November 22, 2009
Aq nk blik kmpung....
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Dh lame....
da lame gak aq x hapdate blog nie ek?? haha....sbenarnye aq MALAS...
X tau la... sjak kebelakangan nie.. aq mls tol nk update blog aq nieyh...
Maybe sbab skola dh nk cuti aq jd malas...hahaha....
Arie nie dh msuk dua hari skola cuti...stakat nie x de la boring sngt
duk rumah, tp maybe due tinge minggu lg boring kowt...
duk mngadap lappy nie kepale ngn mate aq dh sakit dh nie...adoooiiii!!!!
tu la.... mngadap lg hari2 pastu lme plak tu...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Gazette Members Biodata

* Real name: Matsumoto Takanori (松本たかのり) [rumored]
* Blood Type: B
* Birth Date: February 1, 1982
* Piercings: 5 on the right ear
* Height: 162 cm
* Foot size: 25.5 cm
* Ring size: Middle finger - 17
* Place of birth: Kanagawa Prefecture (Kantou, southern Japan)
* Family: Parents, older brother
* Cologne: Bvlgari
* Favorite Color: Gold, purple, red, black, silver
* Favorite Drink: Child Iwai Apple
* Disliked Food: Green pepper, beans
* Hobby: Rental, Shopping
* Favorite Brand: Pink Dragon, THE GAMBLER$, ANTICLASS, bounty hunter, CREAMSODA, RUDE GALLERY, Harugin
* My Boom: Skateboarding
* Collection: Harugin
* Liked Type: A self-aware person, a wonderful person
* Disliked Type: An impure girl, a stupid person
* Wish to girls: Don't lose sight of yourself
* Strong Point: Genuine Side
* Weak Point: Genuine Side
* Charming Point: Temple
* Favorite Animal: Dog (chihuahua), Cat
* Musical Influence: LUNA SEA
* First Copied Song: Sex Pistols - Bodies
* Message: "Let's start from the bottom."
* Real name: Shiroyama Yuu (城山優) [rumored]
* Birthday: January 20th,1979
* Birthplace: Mie, Japan
* Blood Type: A
* Height: 171cm
* Weight: 55kg
* Colors: white, black
* Hobbies: Composing, Guitar solos, Smoking, Marumen
* Favorite Food: food made with a lot of love
* Disliked Food: none
* Favorite Drinks: Asahi Super Dry Coffee
* Brand: Bvlgari, Vivienne Westwood, DOLCE & GABANNA, Armani, Peacemaker, Frontier Doll
* Cologne: Bvlgari
* Collection: sunglasses, perfume, accessories, shirt
* Cigarette: Marlboro Menthol
* First Copied Song: X - Kurenai
* Family: Parents, older brother, older sister
* Liked Type: good at cooking and gentle
* Disliked Type: A person who gets angry easily
* Animals: dog, cat
* Previous Bands: Mervilles, Artia
* Real name: Takashima Kouyou (高島宏陽) [rumored]
* Birthday: June 9th, 1981
* Birthplace: Shounan District, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
* Blood Type: O
* Height: 177cm
* Weight: 62kg
* Shoe size: 27,5
* Ring size: 19
* Colors: purple, grey
* Hobbies: billiard, pachinko, bowling, soccer
* Favorite Dorama: Furikaereba Yatsu ga Iru
* Favorite Food: Mentai Korokke Bento
* Disliked Food: Blue cheese
* Favorite Drinks: Smirnoff, MOET & CHANDON
* Brand: PPFM, Docomo, alfredoBANNISTER
* Perfume: Gucci Rushes, Bvlgari
* Piercings: four on the right ear, five on the left ear
* Collection: rings, perfume, liqour
* Cigarette: Marlboro Menthol Light, Maremen Light, PIANISSIMO one
* Family: Parents, two older sisters
* Musical Influence: LUNA SEA
* Admired Musician: SUGIZO
* Liked Type: Gentle, grown-up persons
* Animals: dog, polar bear, penguin, domestic duck
* Previous Bands: Karasu, Ma'die Kusse, Kar+te=zyAnose
* Real Name: Suzuki Akira (鈴木亮)[rumored]
* Birthday: 27.05.1981
* Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
* Blood Type: A
* Height: 172cm (5'7")
* Weight: 55kg
* Colors: purple, white, black
* Hobbies: watching movies
* Favorite Dorama: Tokyo Love Story
* Favorite Manga: Initial D
* Favorite movie: Face Off
* Favorite Food: Spaghetti, Kit-Kat
* Favorite Drinks: Lifeguard
* Disliked food: Vegetables, sweet stuff (except for pudding and cake)
* Collection: Sex Pistols merchandise, DVD, accessories
* Cigarette: Mild Seven Lights
* Musical Influence: LUNA SEA
* Respected Person: Hatakeyama Takanori (Japanese boxer)
* First Copied Song: LUNA SEA - PRECIOUS...
* Charming Point: Rear
* Family: Mother, grandmother, older sister
* Liked Type: Feminine and mature person (Noriko Sakai)
* Disliked Type: A vulgar person
* Animals: Parakeet
* Previous Bands: Karasu, Ma'die Kusse, Kar+te=zyAnose
* Real Name: Uke Yutaka (受毛豊) [rumored]
* Blood Type: B
* Birth date: October 28th, 1981
* Hobby: Soccer, Cooking, Collecting Zippos
* Piercing count: 2 (left)
* Foot size: 25 ~ 27
* Ring size: 19 ~ 21
* Height: 172 cm
* Tobacco: none
* Cologne: Jaguar, Sculpture, Bvlgari for men
* Disliked food: Potato, Eggplant
* Favourite drink: "Not ringo juice (laugh) - apple juice"
* Favourite brand: custom culture, Just in Davis, TENDERLOIN, Starring gear*
* My boom: custom culture
* Place of birth: "New Jersey would be nice!"
* Collection: Zippo, clothes from custom culture
* Liked type: A motherly person who will welcome me with "welcome home!" when I return home.
* Disliked type: A girl who hides her character
* Strong point: "Can be bullied? No? "
* Weak point: Forgetting things
* Musical Influence: LUNA SEA
* First Copied Song: LUNA SEA - Jesus
* Charming point: Can be interesting in anything
* Favourite colour: Black, Red, White, Green, Silver, Gold
* Favourite animal: Dog, Tiger, Alligator
* Previous bands: Mareydi†Creia
dlm ati aq asyik ckp "cptla hari...cptla hari..."
aq da bosan dok umah nie, aq nk gi skola....(rajinnye....)
Tp bile kt rase cam nk balik umah jewp...
Kalu duk kt skola pown duk kt dewan jer....pelik...
Time tu la terfikir nk on9 la....nk wat tu la...nie la...
Tp bile pikir2 blik, nkgak jmpe kwn2 nie kn...
sbab taon dpn maybe dh x jmpe dh....
Monday, October 26, 2009
Khasiat Ayat Seribu Dinar
Mungkin kita selalu mendengar tentang ayat ini namun kita jarang mengamalkannya. Sesungguhnya ayat seribu dinar ini mempunyai banyak khasiatnya jika diamalkn dan jika kita benar-benar ikhlas membacakannya.
Menurut ulama termasuk ulama besar ilmu tafsir, ada banyak faedah dan
fadilat yang diperoleh daripada amalan ayat seribu dinar iaitu baris
terakhir ayat kedua dan bersambung dengan ayat ketiga daripada surah
Antara fadilatnya ialah mendapat rezeki yang tidak disangka bahkan
memperoleh rezeki menurut jalan yang tidak pernah terfikir,
melenyapkan segala bentuk kesusahan serta dijauhkan daripada keraguan
dan kesusahan maut.
Menurut banyak riwayat, sebab ayat seribu dinar diturunkan Allah
adalah kerana peristiwa berkaitan seorang sahabat bernama Auf bin
Malik al-Asyja'i yang mempunyai anak lelaki ditawan kaum Musyrikin.
Beliau mengadu perkara itu kepada Rasulullah SAW dan Baginda meminta
Auf supaya bersabar sambil bersabda kepadanya yang
bermaksud: "Sesungguhnya Allah akan memberi jalan keluar kepadamu."
Ternyata tidak lama selepas itu anaknya dilepaskan daripada tawanan
pihak musuh dan dalam perjalanan ia terserempak seekor kambing
kepunyaan musuh lalu dibawanya kambing itu kepada ayahnya.
Kemudian turunlah ayat yang bermaksud: "Siapa yang bertakwa kepada
Allah, Dia menjadikan baginya jalan keluar dan memberinya rezeki dari
jalan yang tidak disangka-sangka dan tidak terfikir sebelumnya."
(Hadis riwayat Ibnu Jarir)
Menyingkap khasiat dan kegunaan pelbagai surah dalam al-Quran, buku
Amalan Mustajab dan Murah Rezeki hasil tulisan Nurhafiz Abdullah
memberi tumpuan kepada hikayat yang dikaitkan dengan ayat seribu
Ini termasuk riwayat hartawan yang bermimpi didatangi lelaki meminta
beliau bersedekah 1,000 dinar kepada fakir miskin dan kisah Malik bin
Dinar yang dapat dibaca pada bahagian awal buku berkaitan ayat seribu
Pada masa sama, buku setebal 162 halaman ini turut mendedahkan
fadilat dan khasiat ayat surah al-Fatihah, al-Kursi, al-Qadr, al-
Ikhlas dan beberapa surah lain supaya dapat diamalkan pembaca bagi
menyelesaikan masalah dihadapi dalam kehidupan.
Begitu juga doa untuk kejayaan, keberkatan hidup serta murah rezeki
yang dilampirkan dalam usaha mengajak manusia tabah menghadapi ujian
yang didatangkan dan berusaha mencari jalan penyelesaian dengan
bermohon kepada Allah.
Ada 30 doa memohon pertolongan Allah disediakan dalam buku Amalan
Mustajab dan Murah Rezeki yang boleh dijadikan panduan serta amalan
harian termasuk doa memohon dibuka pintu rezeki, diberi kecerdasan
akal dan hati serta memohon sentiasa dicintai Allah.
Kandungan buku ini menekankan hal berkaitan fadilat dan khasiat
beramal dengan ayat wahyu Allah dalam al-Quran serta hadis Rasulullah
SAW sebagai jalan keluar bagi mereka yang berhadapan kesusahan selain
ingin mencapai hajat untuk diri, keluarga serta orang lain.
Buku Amalan Mustajab dan Murah Rezeki adalah rujukan sumber ilmu yang
bukan saja menjadi penawar malah, malah mendorong pembaca
memperbanyakkan ibadat sunat dengan membaca ayat al-Quran seterusnya
menjadikannya sebahagian amalan harian.
Ilmu yang berkat adalah ilmu yang dimanfaatkan, semoga usaha penulis
menyampaikan maklumat kepada pembaca yang akan memanfaatkannya
membawa kedua-duanya beroleh keredaan Allah serta rahmat dalam
kehidupan di dunia dan akhirat.
dh la x msuk bilik SPBT(MALAS!!!)hehe......
pastu duduk tercongok dlm dewan....hmmmm.......boring tol!!!!
Kebetulan plak Syazmeer bwk gitar, pe lg tibai gitar die la....hehe
pastu lepak dlm kls 3 Setia...duduk kjp2 and then cikgu plak dtg
die kate "nie form bape nie??? knp ddk dlm kls??? kalu x nk ddk,
gi dewan!!!!kalu x nk jgn bising...main gitar kt tmpat len......bdk2 nk pekse"
ha......tu la yg die ckp....cian kt kiteorg kene mrh...huhu....
Sunday, October 25, 2009
B**a**l, Bawak S**l!!!
Ko dh rosakkan sume!!!!!!!!!!1
Eeeeeeeeeiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaa************!!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
diorg nk dtg raye..(raye da lps la...hehe)pastu kiteorg gi
umah Ainul.....lps blik tu, aq ingt nk gi umah diorg plk
psl aq x penah pegi lg....
Last2 ms kt umah Ainul, mak aq plak kol suruh balik nk gi umah kwn die...
(WTF!!?)ADOI.... melepas la aq nk raye umah diorg.. :-(
Pastu ingt nk buang mse jap... kiteorg gi la Jusco...
Nak cari tmpat game tu pnye la ssh....tmpt tu
spatutnye kt tingkt 2, tp aq ckp tngkt 1..hehe...
dh naik tgkt 3 ttu...diorg mrh2 aq psl kt ats tu sume kosong
yg ade cume mesin air tin je...huhu...
last2 jmpe gak....kiteorg main la jap sambil nak tunggu ayah aq....
Kt sejam pastu, aq pon balik....ayah aq da smpai...
Then, aq pon pegi la kt umah kwn die tu....
Monday, October 12, 2009
PMR akhirnye da abis..... Tp, aq x leh k hapy2 dulu....
psl result PMR x kuar agi.... adoi...
Lps nie kt skolah pon bnyk aktiviti yg cikgu buat...
aq x tau la nk pegi ke aq tngk kwn2 la...
kalu ramai yg pon ikot same....
Biggest Drum Kit In The World
terkezut aq.....usha la gamba nie yek.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009
PMR plak abis pd arie Selasa minggu dpn....
and tnghari nk bgtau...sume dosa2 ngn kwn2 and cikgu2 tlh pon dimaafkn...
Thats all I want to say.... doakn aq supaya dpt wat yg terbaek ms
PMR nnti k....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm back........ entry kali nie.... aq nk ckp psl ape ek?? entahla.....
saje jer x de keje nk wat..... ari tu ms raya blh thn la bestnye....
aq x leh nk happy ms tu.....huhu : ( .... dh la ms raye pertame kne pakse blajar....
pastu ramai plk sedare yg dtg..... arghh!!! camne aq nk blajar!!!!
bising sngt..... ish...ish...ish... bising yg mahadasyat (bak kate cikgu kt tusyen Ucal) hehe...
Nie ade la gamba aq ngn spupu2 aq tu.... tngk jer la...
Tu jer la nk tunjuk ms raye arie tu.... x smpat nk amik gamba ngan family
coz ms tu cbok sngt2.....maybe someday aq akn ltk gamba2 ngn family k.....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Balik Kampung....
maybe blog nie aq x update slame seminggu kot.......
Hu.....raya pon da dkt x leh nk happy2 dulu....
PMR blom lps lg....... aq hrp aq dpt wat yg terbaik la 4 PMR nnti.....
wish me luck k......
Lagi satu aq nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!!!!!!! maafkn aq kalo aq ad
wat slh ngn korang.......
Monday, September 14, 2009
Malam Lailatul Qadar
korag sume nk tau x?? Malam smalam ialah mlm Lailatul Qadar....
Hmmm..... mesti x caye kn?? atuk aq ckp...... die dpt tngk mlm tu...
lebih kurng kol 1.40 pg.... wuuuu... best ar..... rugi giler...dh la mlm tue aq tido kol 1...
arghhhh... ruginye........
Tu je nk bgtau..... BYE......
Friday, September 11, 2009
Best Drummer In The World

Diorang ialah drummer yg pling "ganas" kt dunia nie.....haha...Yg atas skali tu nmenye Jacob Armen and yg last tu nmenye Joey Jordison....
That's all aq nk tulis....
aq sorg2 kt umah....
arghhh....... sume kuar bkn nk ajak aq...
anyway aq lyn jer la pape g ad kt komputer nie....
or bce buku keh (cehhhh!!!)
tu jer nk ckp...BYE.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Do you Love Someone This Much?
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's 2 scary!
Guy : Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and
put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl:Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow
down now! Please!
(in the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a
building because of a brake failure.
Two people were on it, but only 1
had survived .
The truth was that halfway down the
road, the guy realized that his brakes
broke, but he didn't want to let
the girl know. Instead, he had her say
she loved him and felt her hug one last
time, then he had her wear his helmet
that she would live even though it
that he would die.
If u love any one this much re-post
this ....and....the love
of your life will realize they feel the
same .... DON'T BREAK THIS. 2morow will
be the best day of your
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hello sume...
sje nk test jer.... sbnrnya aq x de mende nk tulis nie...
len kali aq tlis la yer....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Gempuru bala Group Sarikei & Selamat Hari Gawai

Selamat Hari Gawai ngagai semua ke udah tama blog aku tok..
arap ke kitak mujor dalam semua pengawa ba taun baru tok.
lalu aku bisi info pasal gathering Group Sarikei ba lalu disukong bala raban Pengawa tok nyadi kena 06.06.2009.
kira ke ngiling tikai ko orang.. arap ke bala ke bisi ati ka enggau tau bertanya ba aku empu ba lumor gen7 012-8966058, ATC 012- 8546291, akumehtok 013-8442428 enggau Ally 013-9951725.
Lalu kitak tau ngabang ngagai aku maya hari gawai tok ila.
aku begawai ba TANAH PUTIH SARIKEI..
Penatai kitak semua aku anti..
Nyak ajak info aku ke diatu..
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Microsoft Genuine Validation

Mula2 nitih suma cara ari no 1 smpi meh no 11
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. In the left pane, locate and then click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \Microsoft \WindowsNT \Current Version \WPAEvents
4. In the right pane, right-click OOBETimer, and then click Modify.
5. Change at FF to 00.
6. Click Start, and then click Run.
7. In the Open box, type the following command, and then click OK. Copy this link: %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
8. Click Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows, and then click Next.
9. Click Change Product key.
10. Type the new product key in the New key boxes [serial number DP7CM-PD6MC-6BKXT-M8JJ6-RPXGJ] , and then click Update. If you are returned to the previous window, click Remind me later, and then restart the computer.
11. Repeat steps 6 to verify that Windows is activated. You receive the following message:Windows is already activated. Click OK to exit.
Cara tok manah nti pc tauka laptop udah diformat...
Teknik tok udah diuji mayuh kali n dijamin, Microsoft Genuine Validation ndai gk ngacau pc tauka laptop...maksud ya,Automatic Updates ulih digaga ON
##cara tok simple jak,ndai ngena software pun..nti ka ngena software ulih gak..##
Terima Kasih Ke kaban aku Ari Ibansarawak ke ngajung pos tok lalu ngemendar ke aku mansut utai tok ba blog aku tok..
aku udah nguji.. memang ori la...
pekara tok tau dipansik kitak ba Portal Iban Sarawak
semua komen enggau randau senentang utai tok tau diperandau ke kitai ba Portal nyak..
terima kasih ke VaLeNtInE..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bakani ka nukar IP?
Cara- cara kitai nukar IP Address..
tok meh cara aku nukar IP Address maya aku tusah ka tama-tama ke dini-dini website ti block IP aku. laban aku ke ngena Celcom broadband udah tentu maioh kami ke bekunsi ke 1 IP yang sama..
Bisi gak maya ka nyadi, enti enggai nyadi ba kitak tau nguji baru gak..
selamat mencuba ok..
1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen
2. Click on "Run"
3. Type in "command" and hit ok
You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen.
4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter"
5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt
6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop.
7. Click on "properties"
You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.
8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties"
9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab
10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab
11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up).
12. Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers.
13. Hit the "Ok" button here
14. Hit the "Ok" button again
You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen.
15. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again.
16. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings
17. This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically"
tongue.gif 18. Hit "Ok"
19. Hit "Ok" again
20. You now have a new IP address
With a little practice, you can easily get this process down to 15 seconds.
This only changes your dynamic IP address, not your ISP/IP address. If you plan on hacking a website with this trick be extremely careful, because if they try a little, they can trace it back.